Category: Florida Carry Laws FAQ
Firearms and Boating in the Sunshine State
Can I take my firearm on waters in Florida? Unlike many other states, Florida is fortunate to have hundreds of miles of beaches and beautiful waters for boating. Fortunately for Floridians, it is lawful for a person without a CWFL to have a concealed handgun, rifle, or shotgun in their boat or ship. The definition…
Lost or Stolen CWFL – What Now?
Each year, many people lose their wallet. Along with the wallet, they lose credit cards, debit cards, photographs and licenses. What if you lose your Concealed Weapon or Firearm License (CWFL)? What do you need to know? Read on to stay legal. A lost or Stolen CWFL is invalid. Florida Statutes 790.06(9) in relevant part states: (9) In…
What Weapons Are Covered Under Florida’s CWFL?
CWFL Covers More Than Just Firearms! A Florida Concealed Weapons and Firearms License (CWFL) covers more than just firearms. So, what weapons are covered under Florida’s CWFL? Pursuant to Florida Statute § 790.06(1), with a CWFL, one may carry concealed a handgun, electronic weapon or device, tear gas gun, knife, or billie, but the term…
No Gun Sign – Now What?
Are “No Gun” Signs Enforceable? Walking up to your favorite restaurant you see a new, “No Guns Allowed” sign. What do you do now? You have several choices: Find a new favorite restaurant. Go back to your car and leave your gun in it. Ignore the “No Gun” sign and proceed into the establishment. In…
Carrying in Florida’s State Parks
Florida Has Nearly 200 State Parks According to www.floridastateparks.org, Florida hosts 192 state parks. If you enjoy the outdoors, it is likely you will visit one of our state parks. Therefore, you need to know the law regarding carrying in Florida’s State Parks. With A CWFL State Parks are not one of the listed prohibited…
Carrying in National Parks in Florida
Florida Has Several National Parks There are lots of well known things to do in the State of Florida. Visitors enjoy theme parks, beaches, festivals and much more. But what about the nature lovers out there? Florida has a number of National Parks including Everglades, Biscayne and Dry Tortuga. Carrying in National Parks in Florida…
Florida Camping Opened and Concealed Carry
Opened and Concealed Carry While Camping Is Legal in Florida! The cooler weather has finally arrived in Florida and the outdoors are calling. It is a great time of the year to go camping and exploring. As always, the expert firearm attorneys at Katz & Phillips, P.A., The Firearm Firm, want everyone to remain safe…
What is Printing? Is Printing Illegal?
What Is Printing? Is Printing Illegal in Florida? Two of the most common questions we receive are: “What is Printing?” and “Is Printing Illegal in Florida?” Printing is a common street term that refers to the outline of a handgun becoming visible under the clothing of a person. Printing is not a legal term and…
Traffic Stop While Carrying a Firearm!
By James D. Phillips One of the most frequent questions that our attorneys are asked at seminars is, “What do I do if I am involved in a Traffic Stop While Carrying a Firearm?” Sometime, what you are required to do by law, and what we recommend you do differ. The first paragraph below discusses…
Moving To Florida? Get Your CWFL Within 90 Days or You Cannot Conceal Carry!
Welcome to the Sunshine State! So, you’re finally ready to move to the Sunshine State. Your current Concealed Carry license is valid for 90 days when you move to Florida. Therefore, you only have 90 days until you cannot legally conceal carry. Apply for your Concealed Weapon and Firearm License immediately. Your current Concealed Carry…
Can A Bar Owner/Employee Carry At Work?
A Bar Owner Can Carry In His/Her Bar The short answer is yes! A Bar owner can carry in his/her bar. Many people get caught up on the fact that Florida Statute 790.06(12)(a) reads in relevant part, “A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed…
Can You Carry a Firearm On A Motorcycle?
You Can Carry a Firearm on a Motorcycle Just Like Any Other Vehicle Florida is known for its beautiful weather and stunning beaches. Therefore, it is no surprise that Florida residents hit the roads on their motorcycles to explore the sunshine state. Further, Daytona Beach, Florida hosts two nationally renowned motorcycle events each year. Both…
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