If you are lawfully allowed to possess a firearm, you can carry it in your automobile. The manner in which you may carry it depends on whether you are a Concealed Weapons and Firearm License (CWFL) holder or not and the activity you are traveling to or from.
Those with a valid CWFL can carry their firearm anywhere in the vehicle or on their person as long as the firearm is concealed.
Finally, a person who does not have a CWFL can still have a firearm in their vehicle, as long as it is carried in the proper manner. Florida law allows the carrying of a loaded firearm in a vehicle as long as it is securely encased and out of sight. It is important to note that there is a lot of misinformation floating around about how a firearm must be carried in a vehicle. I have heard current law enforcement officers tell people about a supposed “3-step rule”, requiring ammunition to be separated from a firearm. To be clear, there is not now nor has there ever been a “3-step rule” in the state of Florida.
Although we never advise open carrying in Florida, Florida law does allow you to open carry in several specific situations. While hunting, fishing or camping, or traveling to hunt, fish or camp. Therefore, if traveling in a car to go hunting, fishing or camping, Florida law would allow a firearm in the vehicle and it could technically be openly carried. However, this is asking for trouble and again, we do not advise it, unless you are interested in a confrontation with the police.