
Category: Gun Ownership FAQ

Inheriting A Firearm

February 12, 2020

If you are inheriting a firearm, you may have many questions.  Frequently, we are contacted when a resident of Florida inherits a firearm from a relative in another state.  The caller is aware of the normal rules that prohibit the transfer of a firearm between two people who are residents of different states.  They worry…

Legislators Already Have the Right to Carry at Meetings of a Legislative Body

February 10, 2020

Legislators Already Have the Right to Carry at Meetings of a Legislative Body. About two weeks ago, the Criminal Justice Subcommittee voted on HB 183, which permits elected officials to carry concealed weapons in public meetings over which they preside, such as city council and county commission meetings.  There is also a companion bill making…

October 2019

October 21, 2019

GUEST BLOG POST “The views and opinions expressed are those of the author.  The Firearm Firm neither endorses or guarantees the legal accuracy of the views, opinions or statements of law made in guest posts.” Even crime culprits have some rights also, which is one of the reasons you should pay attention to firearm laws…

Are Brass Knuckles Illegal in Florida?

March 12, 2019

Possession of Brass Knuckles is Legal In Florida! Possession of Brass Knuckles is legal in Florida.  As opposed to Florida Statute §790.225, which strictly prohibits the possession, manufacture, use, or sale of ballistic self-propelled knives, other sections merely place limited restrictions regarding certain weapons. Manufacture or Sale of Brass Knuckles is Illegal! Florida Statute §790.09…

Can A Bar Owner/Employee Carry At Work?

January 25, 2019

A Bar Owner Can Carry In His/Her Bar The short answer is yes!  A Bar owner can carry in his/her bar.  Many people get caught up on the fact that Florida Statute 790.06(12)(a) reads in relevant part, “A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed…

Open or Conceal Carry At Your Work

January 24, 2019

You Can Open or Conceal Carry Florida Statute §790.25(3)(n) allows you to open or conceal carry a firearm, in your place of business/employment.  This was first recognized by the courts in Peoples v. State, 287 So.2d 63 (Fla 1973) and clarified to include the surrounding property in State v. Anton, 700 So 2d 743 (Fla….

When A Child May Legally Possess A Firearm in Florida!

January 22, 2019

When may children legally possess firearms? Under Florida law children may legally possess firearms under specific exceptions included in the law.  As used in this blog, child means “a minor child under 18 years of age.”  These exceptions or “affirmative defenses” include the following: Unloaded firearm at his or her home A child may legally possess…

How Can I Lose The “Presumption of Reasonableness” Under Florida’s Castle Doctrine

January 07, 2019

By David S. Katz We previously discussed the “Castle Doctrine” in Florida and the protections it offers. (visit: http://thefirearmfirm.com/the-castle-doctrine-in-florida/)  However, you can lose the valuable protections the Castle Doctrine gives.  Read on to learn more. There are a few ways that a person can lose “Castle Doctrine” protection and the presumption of reasonableness regarding their…

When is an Action “Imminent” Under Florida Law?

January 04, 2019

By David S. Katz When does someone have a reasonable belief that they must use force in order to protect themselves from an “imminent use of unlawful force” by another? In Florida, the decision will be ultimately decided by a jury.  Let’s focus on the word “imminent.” Florida courts have said that imminent means an…

What Happens With My Firearms When I Die?

January 03, 2019

By David S. Katz Depending on the manner in which a person leaves his or her estate behind, firearms may be bequeathed in a customary manner like other personal property.  However, firearms held in an estate are still subject to the laws of transfer and possession.  Thus, careful consideration needs to be given in estate…

What Kind Of Ammunition is Illegal in Florida?

January 02, 2019

By David S. Katz Florida Statute §790.31 defines armor-piercing ammunition as well as other types of ammunition which are illegal under Florida law.  The following types of ammunition are illegal in Florida: armor-piercing, exploding ammunition, dragon’s breath shotgun shells, bolo shells, or flechette shells. These types of ammunition are defined in Florida Statute §790.31(1) as:…

Carrying a Firearm in Your Car Without a CWFL.

December 31, 2018

By Danielle Wall Not everyone wants to get a concealed weapons license, but some people do want to be able to have a firearm with them in case of an emergency or to partake in target practice and things of that sort.  So, how does one, in the State of Florida, carry a firearm without…


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  • American Council of Second Amendment Lawyers
  • Florida Carry
  • Super Lawyers Since 2013
  • Florida Gun Law: Armed and Educated 4th Edition
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  • Martindale-Hubbell AV Preeminent Since 2017
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