
Category: Florida Carry Laws FAQ

Domestic Violence and Florida Firearm Rights

October 26, 2023

Federal and state law both affect an individual’s firearms rights after a domestic violence conviction. Both federal and state laws govern the effects of a domestic violence conviction on an individual’s firearm rights. Per federal law, a person who has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence cannot possess a…

Byrna Launchers and Other Pepper Ball Guns

May 13, 2022

  Responsible Florida gun owners know that you must have a CWFL to carry a firearm concealed in most situations. However, it is not quite as clear whether you need a CWFL to carry certain other weapons. (See What Weapons are Covered Under Florida’s CWFL? for more information). For example, a CWFL is not needed…

Church Carry Bill Signed Into Law

June 30, 2021

Florida’s new “Church Carry” Bill allows those with a Concealed Weapon and Firearm License to protect themselves, their families and fellow parishioners from deadly attack while at church or other religious services. Church Carry and the carrying of firearms onto the property of religious institutions is now legal in Florida. Today, June 30, 2021, Florida…

January 2021

January 27, 2021

Earlier this year, two bills were filed in the Florida Legislature that will wreak havoc in our State should they become law.  These bills, Senate Bill 672 filed by Senator Annette Taddeo and the companion bill filed in the State House, House Bill 6033 by Representative Dan Daley, seek to turn the clock back 34…

New Year’s Eve, Drinking, and Firearms

December 15, 2020

Drinking and firearms don’t mix! Let’s start with the fact that drinking and firearms can be a lethal combination. Understand, we are not recommending you consume alcohol or intoxicating drugs and carry a firearm. We are telling you what the law allows and what it does not. In many states, you may not possess a…

Flying With Firearms

December 05, 2020

With the holiday season underway, it is important to know the law if you will be flying with a firearm and/or ammunition.  All Firearms MUST Be In Your Checked Baggage All firearms MUST be in your checked baggage.  Firearms are not permitted in any carry-on baggage. You cannot bring a firearm, even unloaded on to…

If The McCloskeys lived in Florida

July 24, 2020

What if the McCloskeys lived in Florida? By now, you are almost certainly familiar with the St. Louis couple that are accused of pointing firearms at protesters that passed by their home.  Since the incident, we have received hundreds of questions asking us what rights a Florida gun owner would have to protect their property…

Wearing a Mask in Public While Carrying Concealed

June 19, 2020

Beginning this Saturday, Orange County, Florida, home to The Firearm Firm, is requiring that face masks be worn in public.  Ever since this pandemic started in Florida, we have received questions almost daily as to whether one can wear a mask while lawfully carrying their concealed firearm with a valid CWFL.  The short answer is:…

Legislators Already Have the Right to Carry at Meetings of a Legislative Body

February 10, 2020

Legislators Already Have the Right to Carry at Meetings of a Legislative Body. About two weeks ago, the Criminal Justice Subcommittee voted on HB 183, which permits elected officials to carry concealed weapons in public meetings over which they preside, such as city council and county commission meetings.  There is also a companion bill making…

Hurricane Dorian Approaches

August 29, 2019

Carrying a Firearm During a State of Emergency As Hurricane Dorian approaches Florida, we thought it important to remind everyone of the laws regarding firearms that may apply to them as they prepare to evacuate their homes and head to safety.  In 2015, Governor Scott signed into law an “Emergency Concealed Carry” bill.  The law…

Punishment Before Guilt – CWFL Suspended for Arrest!

March 26, 2019

Charged with a Crime? Innocent until proven guilty is a foundation of our justice system, but apparently this does not apply to Concealed Weapon and Firearm License holders in Florida.  Being arrested or charged with certain crimes is enough for the Department of Agriculture to immediately suspend your Concealed Weapon and Firearm License (CWFL) without…

Firearms and Boating Outside Florida Waters

March 18, 2019

Last week, we wrote about boating in Florida waters.  (Click here to read)  What if your boating adventures take you into the territorial waters of another state, international waters or to another country?   Today we will discuss firearms and boating outside Florida waters. Other States It is important to realize that state laws differ, so…


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  • American Council of Second Amendment Lawyers
  • Florida Carry
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