Florida Open Carry Laws
Open Carry is Generally Prohibited in Florida
As a general rule, Florida does not allow for open carry of handguns. If a handgun is displayed in a situation not necessary for self-defense, criminal charges could follow.
Under this statute, firearms and certain electric weapons cannot be openly carried.
Lawful Open Carry in Florida
Pursuant to Florida Statute § 790.25(3), there are several instances when the provisions of § 790.06 and § 790.053 do not apply.
For example, § 790.25(3)(h) and (j) allows one to openly carry a weapon to and from hunting, fishing, camping, and the gun range. This means that the travel must be continuous, and no stops can occur on your way to the destination for one of the activities above.
In addition, § 790.25(3)(n) states that one can openly carry a weapon in his/her home or place of business. However, a guest in your home may not lawfully open carry on your property, even with your permission. Any employee can open carry at their place of business, but of course, the business owner may prohibit this and further may prohibit the possession of firearms on their property.
Further, Florida Statute § 790.053(2) allows one to openly carry, for a lawful self-defense purpose, any self-defense chemical spray and any non-lethal stun gun or other on a lethal electric weapon, including a taser. However, you still cannot have most of these weapons at schools.
Open transport of Rifles and Shotguns
Florida Statute § 790.25(5), allows for the open carry of a rifle or shotgun inside a private vehicle, by a person who is at least 18 years of age. Although legal, this is not necessarily a good idea and could cause unwanted attention from law enforcement of from those wanting to steal a firearm.
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