We are Gun Owners
All employees of Katz & Phillips P.A., possess a valid Concealed Weapons and Firearms License and exercise their right to bear arms on a daily basis. We firmly believe in training hard both on the range and in the courtroom to better our craft. All of our team members are active in various state and national gun rights organizations. Further, Attorney Phillips is an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor for basic pistol, personal protection inside the home, personal protection outside the home and is certified by the NRA as a Range Safety Officer.
About US
Katz & Phillips, P.A., also known as The Firearm Firm, in addition to fighting for your Second Amendment rights, we are dedicated to defending those who are forced to defend themselves and their loved ones. All of our attorneys have received specialized training in the areas of self-defense law, crime scene investigations, blood spatter evidence, DNA testing, gun-shot residue, stress effects on witness memory recall, weapons charting, gunshot wound analysis, evaluating use of force decision making, assessing imminent threats, human performance and the use of force, and much more.
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